Institut Pasteur de Madagascar

Conférence IPM : mardi 11 octobre 2022 à 16h – Salle de Conférence IPM

« Mycobacterial genetics : from measuring the impact of control measures to drug resistance predictions»


For communicable diseases like tuberculosis and leprosy, accurate extrapolation of the incidence from case notifications is challenging. When case notifications decline, does that reflect that control is effective, transmission was interrupted, new infections averted? Or did we stop looking for patients, who continue to transmit, and incidence increases? Advances in bioinformatics approaches allow for independent estimates of the total pathogen population-a welcome tool in public health.

Once patients are diagnosed with tuberculosis, selecting an appropriate treatment regimen depends on their risk factors for having drug resistant tuberculosis, and on the interpretation of the available microbiological and molecular tests. Improved understanding of the strength and weaknesses of these tests allow for more informed treatment decisions.

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